J'utilise la 17.1 qui est la dernière version stable de father_mande Par contre , faut refaire les paramètres et réglages et définir à nouveau la source . Mais après tout est nickel. J'ai aussi gardé d'installé sur HD Station Kodi 16. Les deux cohabitent très bien

Aujourd'hui, je vais vous dire comment installer et exécuter l'Exodus sur votre Kodi 17+ et 18 sans problèmes. Installer l'addon Exodus sur Kodi . Remarque: Avant d'aller de l'avant, nous devons activer les sources inconnues sur votre Kodi. Pour ce faire, cliquez sur l'icône Systèmes et cliquez sur Paramètres système. Maintenant, sous Addons, activez simplement les sources inconnues 04/08/2017 20/01/2016 B onjour à tous, voici dans un premier temps un tutoriel sur l’installation de KODI 17 sur PC, c’est une version stable et efficace décodant tous les formats audio et vidéos existant pour le moment. Vous verrez ici comment l’installer proprement en français. Voici comment installer KODI, pour ceux qui préferent un tuto vidéo voici le lien ci dessous : It’s that simple once you install Ares Wizard on Kodi 17. 4. Tweak Video Playback Settings. Kodi is available for download on multiple platforms and there are multiple best devices for Kodi streaming. You can tweak video playback settings on Kodi using Ares Wizard. Navigate to Ares Wizard> Tweaks> Advanced Settings Wizard and Ares Wizard will automatically pick the best settings for your

01/12/2019 · Ares-Wizard is one spot where one can find all those features with additional significant features like support. Here are the steps on to install “Ares-Wizard above Kodi 17.6- Krypton”. Step 1: Set up Kodi-tool on your system. Step 2: Establish Kodi-Step 3: Click-on -> Settings “gear” symbol which is in the upper-left corner . Step 4


How To Install Ares Wizard On Kodi 17.6 , 18.1, 18.2 | Step-By-Step Guide. If you have ever attempted to install an addon on Kodi before then you are familiar with how easy and quick the whole process takes. Once you ready launch Kodi and lets begin. Step 1: At the Kodi home screen click on the tiny gear symbol at the top left hand side of the

How To Install Ares Wizard On Kodi 17.6 , 18.1, 18.2 | Step-By-Step Guide. If you have ever attempted to install an addon on Kodi before then you are familiar with how easy and quick the whole process takes. Once you ready launch Kodi and lets begin. Step 1: At the Kodi home screen click on the tiny gear symbol at the top left hand side of the How to install ares wizard on kodi krypton 17.1? There are many methods to install a kodi wizard or addon. In this post, we will explain how to install ares wizard by downloading zip file. Believe me, this is the most simple and easy way to install ares wizard on kodi. For the easy understanding of our users, we are providing a step by step Pour installer F4MTester Kodi 17.4. Mai 26, 2020 KodiHelfer AddOns, Comment. Il y a beaucoup d'add-ons qui fournissent F4MTester sur KODI. Je pensais que ce tutoriel ci-dessous serait préférable de donner un guide rapide et facile à installer code de Hello, friends! Hope you all are doing well. Let’s have a look at the Ares Wizard which is one of the best Add-on for Kodi. Today, we are going to share all the relevant information regarding Ares Wizard in order to make the users understand about the same before they start Installing Ares Wizard on Kodi 17.4 Krypton: Best Kodi Build.